I’m just this guy who lives in Aotearoa. I’m hardly a Great Thinker but the nature of my brain causes me to think a lot, so I’ve often got something that I’m musing about that I’d love to share with you.

Rejection Sensitivity

The truth is, as part of my ADHD I experience a kind of rejection sensitivity that causes me to regularly, often abruptly, stop responding to my friends, family, work colleagues, etc. It is honestly a crippling disability that has had a huge toll on my life in every aspect. So I’m following Simon Amstell and interacting with you from on a stage, raised and lit.

My whole self

I’m a firm believer in bringing my whole self to my spaces, which is to say that if you follow me you are as likely to read about my musings on kettlebells, or terrariums, or tarot, or my personal life. Some folks like to segment their different interests, and full respect to that - it’s probably more effective - but that ain’t me. This is your warning that you may not be interested in everything that I’m interested in.

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I am going to aim to limit posts to twice a week max. Probably this will only be a thing I need to limit initially while I’m excited and buzzing with things I need to say, so bear with me and soon we’ll settle into a rhythm.

Stay up-to-date

You won’t have to worry about missing anything. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox. Substack have told me that your email address goes only to my account… who knows if it’s true but here’s hoping.

Why a paywall?

Because I’d like to write about weird, gross, uncomfortable stuff, but maybe my friends and family don’t want to read that over their morning coffee. If I allow a separation between free subscriptions and paid subscriptions I guess that means I can get away with talking about the more freaky stuff to the folks who pay to read it. 🤷🏼‍♂️ I do not know what I am doing.

Subscribe to Raised & Lit (a dznz joint)

A way for me to soapbox at friends and family that they can actually consent to. Current special interests include magick, the climate, socialism of no particular creed, movement, but any of these could change at any moment; I have ADHD.


If you know, you know. Find me elsewhere at https://linktr.ee/dznz